In the FAIR context, the discoverability of data plays one of the most important roles, as even the best data will simply lie unused without a way to be found. Aruna provides a public search index in which specific metadata of all public objects can be searched. The user-defined scope of the search can be adjusted from fuzzy to detailed. A normal search query includes all fields but can be additionally filtered.
Depending on the type of field, different operators are useful for filtering:
name != genome.fasta
description != ''
object_type = PROJECT, object_type IN [COLLECTION, DATASET]
object_type_id = 1, object_type_id IN [2,3], object_type_id > 1
count > 1, count 1234 TO 123456
size > 123456, size 1234 TO 123456
status = AVAILABLE, status NOT DELETED
labels.variant = LABEL AND labels.key = validated AND labels.value = true, labels.variant = HOOK AND labels.key = my_validator
data_class = PUBLIC
created_at > 1698238293, created_at 1696111200 TO 1698793200
metadata_license = CC0, metadata_license IN [CC0, CC-BY-SA-4.0, MIT]
data_license = CC0, data_license IN [CC0, CC-BY-SA-4.0, MIT]
These filters can be combined with the AND and OR expressions and nested with brackets (...) for complex queries.
An in-depth documentation to the filter operator usage can be found in the Meilisearch Filter expressions documentation.
If a user finds an interesting resource but does not have enough access permissions, an access request with a personal message can be sent to the creator of the resource which will be delivered via a personal notification. This can be used to contact the user who created the Object on the first hand.
Search resources
API examples of how to search resources.
The limit and offset parameter can be used to paginate the requests.
limit defines how many hits are returned and must be between 1 and 100 (inclusive).
offset parameter defines how many hits are ignored before the next batch of hits are returned.
Required permissions
This request does not require any permissions or authentication.
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# Native JSON request to fuzzy search for a keyword
curl' { "query": "fasta", "filter": "", "limit": "100", "offset": "0" }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPOSThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/search
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
# Native JSON request to specifically search for a keyword
curl' { "query": "\"genome.fasta\"", "filter": "", "limit": "100", "offset": "0" }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPOSThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/search
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
# Native JSON request to fuzzy search for a keyword with additional filters
curl' { "query": "fasta", "filter": "type = OBJECT", "limit": "100", "offset": "0" }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPOSThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/search
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fuzzy search for a keywordletrequest=SearchResourcesRequest{query:"fasta".to_string(),filter:"".to_string(),limit:100,offset:0,};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=search_client.search_resources(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to specifically search for a keywordletrequest=SearchResourcesRequest{query:"\"genome.fasta\"".to_string(),filter:"".to_string(),limit:100,offset:0,};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=search_client.search_resources(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fuzzy search for a keyword with additional filtersletrequest=SearchResourcesRequest{query:"fasta".to_string(),filter:"type = OBJECT".to_string(),limit:100,offset:0,};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=search_client.search_resources(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fuzzy search for a keywordrequest=SearchResourcesRequest(query="fasta",filter="",limit=100,offset=0)# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.search_client.SearchResources(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to specifically search for a keywordrequest=SearchResourcesRequest(query="\"genome.fasta\"",filter="",limit=100,offset=0)# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.search_client.SearchResources(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fuzzy search for a keyword with additional filtersrequest=SearchResourcesRequest(query="fasta",filter="type = OBJECT",limit=100,offset=0)# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.search_client.SearchResources(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Get public resource(s)
API examples of how to fetch Object information of public resources.
Required permissions
This request does not require any permissions or authentication but the Object information will be returned redacted.
If an authentication token is provided this request requires at least READ permissions on the specific resources.
# Native JSON request to fetch information of a public Object
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGEThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/resource/{resource-id}
# Native JSON request to fetch information of multiple public Objects
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGET'https://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/resources?resourceIds=resource-id-01&resourceIds=resource-id-02'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch information of a public Objectletrequest=GetResourceRequest{resource_id:"<resource-id>".to_string(),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=search_client.get_resource(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch information of multiple public Objectsletrequest=GetResourcesRequest{resource_ids:vec!["<resource-id-01>".to_string(),"<resource-id-02>".to_string(),"<...>".to_string(),],};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=search_client.get_resources(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch information of a public Objectrequest=GetResourceRequest(resource_id="<resource-id>")# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.search_client.GetResource(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch information of multiple public Objectsrequest=GetResourceRequest(resource_ids=["<resource-id-01>","<resource-id-02>","<...>"])# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.search_client.GetResource(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Request access
API examples of how to request access for resources owned by other users.
Required permissions
To request access to a resource you only have to be a registered Aruna user.
# Native JSON request to request access to an Object of another user
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGET'https://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/resource/resource-id/access?message=Would%20you%20please%20give%20me%20access%20to%20this%20dataset%3F'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to request access to an Object of another userletrequest=RequestResourceAccessRequest{resource_id:"<resource-id>".to_string(),message:"Would you please give me access to this dataset?".to_string(),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=search_client.request_resource_access(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
# Create Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to request access to an Object of another userrequest=RequestResourceAccessRequest(resource_id="<resource-id>",message="Would you please give me access to this dataset?")# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.search_client.RequestResourceAccess(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')