Every action inside Aruna is authenticated and authorized via tokens which have to be provided in the request header: Authorization: Bearer <token>.
This can be a either a generated API token or your OIDC token which you received after authentication against the OIDC provider supported by Aruna. API tokens have the advantage that they can not only be used to authorise user-specific permissions, but can also be explicitly generated with permissions for a specific resource. In addition, the exact expiry date of an API token can be defined.
For data protection reasons, a user must also register with each Dataproxy with which they wish to interact. By registering once, the DataProxy receives permission to synchronise information about the user. If a user wants to communicate directly with a dataproxy, he or she must request S3 credentials from/for the dataproxy in advance, which also counts as registration.
API tokens
An API token can be created with different scopes and/or different permissions.
Available token permissions
ADMIN ("PERMISSION_LEVEL_ADMIN"): Can create new resources, modify existing and additionally delete
WRITE ("PERMISSION_LEVEL_WRITE"): Can create new resources and modify existing
APPEND ("PERMISSION_LEVEL_APPEND"): Can create new resources but cannot modify existing
READ ("PERMISSION_LEVEL_READ"): Read only access
NONE ("PERMISSION_LEVEL_NONE"): No permissions granted
So when we talk about minimum requirements for authorization, we get the following order:
Available API token scopes
The field permission is empty on creation.
This token is valid with nearly every request against the ArunaServer and inherits the permissions which are set user-specific on resources.
For example, when a user is added to a Project with READ permission,
this token "inherits and enforces" the user's READ permission with every request regarding the specific Project and its underlying resources.
These tokens should only be used by the user itself as they are bound to the permissions of the user who created it!
The field resource_id is filled with a valid ULID of an existing Aruna resource and then associated with a corresponding permission level.
This token is valid for the specific resource and all the resources which are registered beneath it.
For example, these tokens can be used to give external users general but time limited access to a Project and all resources registered under it. However, these tokens should also not be distributed carelessly.
Generate API tokens
An API token can be created with different scopes and/or different permissions.
The token secret is only available once in the response and cannot be re-generated!
Store the received secret keys in a secure location for further usage.
If a token secret is lost or compromised, delete the old token and generate a new one.
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# Native JSON request to create a global/personal token.# This token inherits the permissions from the resources the user has been granted permissions for.
curl-d' { "name": "<token-display-name>", "expiresAt": "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPOSThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/user/tokens
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to create a global/personal API token with expiration dateletrequest=CreateApiTokenRequest{name:"<token-display-name>".to_string(),permission:None,expires_at:Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2030,01,01).unwrap().and_hms_opt(0,0,0).unwrap().into(),),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=user_client.create_api_token(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to create a Project scoped token with WRITE permissionsletrequest=CreateApiTokenRequest{name:"<token-display-name>".to_string(),permission:Some(Permission{permission_level:PermissionLevel::Writeasi32,resource_id:Some(ResourceId::ProjectId("<project-id>".to_string())),}),expires_at:Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2030,01,01).unwrap().and_hms_opt(0,0,0).unwrap().into(),),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=user_client.create_api_token(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to create a Collection scoped token with READ permissionsletrequest=CreateApiTokenRequest{name:"<token-display-name>".to_string(),permission:Some(Permission{permission_level:PermissionLevel::Readasi32,resource_id:Some(ResourceId::CollectionId("<collection-id>".to_string())),}),expires_at:Some(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2030,01,01).unwrap().and_hms_opt(0,0,0).unwrap().into(),),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=user_client.create_api_token(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to create a global/personal API token with expiration daterequest=CreateAPITokenRequest(name="<token-display-name>",expires_at=Timestamp(seconds=int(datetime.datetime(2030,1,1).timestamp())))# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.CreateAPIToken(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to create a project scoped API token with WRITE permissionrequest=CreateAPITokenRequest(name="<token-display-name>",permission=Permission(project_id="<project-id>",permission_level="PERMISSION_LEVEL_WRITE"),expires_at=Timestamp(seconds=int(datetime.datetime(2030,1,1).timestamp())))# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.CreateAPIToken(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to create a collection scoped API token with READ permissionrequest=CreateAPITokenRequest(name="<token-display-name>",permission=Permission(collection_id="<collection-id>",permission_level="PERMISSION_LEVEL_READ"),expires_at=Timestamp(seconds=int(datetime.datetime(2030,1,1).timestamp())))# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.CreateAPIToken(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Get API token(s)
Meta information of tokens can be fetched after creation e.g. to check its expiry date.
This request does not re-display the generated API token secret. See Generate API Tokens.
# Native JSON request to get info on a specific API token by its id
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGEThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/user/token/{token-id}
# Native JSON request to get info on all tokens associated with the current user
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGEThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/user/tokens
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to get info on a specific API token by its idletrequest=GetApiTokenRequest{token_id:"<token-id>".to_string(),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=user_client.get_api_token(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to get info on all tokens associated with the current userletrequest=GetApiTokensRequest{};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=user_client.get_api_tokens(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to get info on a specific API token by its idrequest=GetAPITokenRequest(token_id="<token-id>")# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.GetAPIToken(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to get info on all tokens associated with the current userrequest=GetAPITokensRequest()# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.GetAPITokens(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Revoke token(s)
API examples of how to revoke/delete a specific API token or all tokens of the current user.
Only Aruna instance administrators can revoke API tokens of other users.
# Native JSON request to revoke the specific API token
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XDELETEhttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/user/token/{token-id}
# Native JSON request to revoke all tokens of the current user
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XDELETEhttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/user/tokens
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to revoke the specific API tokenletrequest=DeleteApiTokenRequest{token_id:"<token-id>".to_string(),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=user_client.delete_api_token(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to to revoke all tokens of the current userletrequest=DeleteApiTokensRequest{user_id:"".to_string(),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=user_client.delete_api_tokens(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to revoke the specific API tokenrequest=DeleteAPITokenRequest(token_id="<token-id>")# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.DeleteAPIToken(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to to revoke all tokens of the current userrequest=DeleteAPITokensRequest()# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.DeleteAPITokens(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Get S3 credentials
The Aruna DataProxy implements an S3 compatible interface that implements a basic
subset of the S3 functionality and can be used with any client that makes use of the S3 protocol. Before the interface can be
used for uploading and downloading data, a user must have fetched S3 credentials at least once for the specific DataProxy to register
the DataProxy as trusted with the user.
# Native JSON request to explicitly create new S3 credentials for the specific endpoint
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPATCH"https://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/user/s3_credentials/{endpoint-id}"
# Native JSON request to fetch S3 credentials for the specific endpoint
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGET"https://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/user/s3_credentials/{endpoint-id}"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to explicitly create new S3 credentials for the specific endpointletrequest=CreateS3CredentialsUserTokenRequest{endpoint_id:"<endpoint-id>".to_string(),};// Get/Create S3 credentials to register user at DataProxyletresponse=user_client.create_s3_credentials_user_token(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch S3 credentials for the specific endpointletrequest=GetS3CredentialsUserTokenRequest{endpoint_id:"<endpoint-id>".to_string(),};// Get/Create S3 credentials to register user at DataProxyletresponse=user_client.get_s3_credentials_user_token(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to explicitly create new S3 credentials for the specific endpointrequest=CreateS3CredentialsUserTokenRequest(endpoint_id="<endpoint-id>")# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.CreateS3CredentialsUserToken(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch S3 credentials for the specific endpointrequest=GetS3CredentialsUserTokenRequest(endpoint_id="<endpoint-id>")# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.user_client.GetS3CredentialsUserToken(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Get IDs of available DataProxy Endpoints
To fetch the IDs of all publicly available DataProxy endpoints in Aruna, you can use the EndpointService API. More specifically the GetEndpoints or GetDefaultEndpoint requests.
These requests do not require any special permissions.
# Native JSON request to fetch info on all available endpoints
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGET"https://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/endpoints"
# Native JSON request to fetch info of the default endpoint of a ArunaServer instance
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGET"https://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/endpoints/default"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch info on all available endpointsletrequest=GetEndpointsRequest{};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=self.endpoint_client.get_endpoints(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch info of the default endpoint of a ArunaServer instanceletrequest=GetDefaultEndpointRequest{};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=self.endpoint_client.get_default_endpoint(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch info on all available endpointsrequest=GetEndpointsRequest()# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.endpoint_client.GetEndpoints(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to fetch info of the default endpoint of a ArunaServer instancerequest=GetDefaultEndpointRequest()# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.endpoint_client.GetDefaultEndpoint(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Grant permissions
For hierarchical resources users can be granted specific permissions that are inherited and enforced by their global/personal tokens.
This makes it easy to add users e.g. to Projects without having to create additional tokens.
An individual user can only have one specific permission granted per resource.
Required permissions
This request requires at least ADMIN permissions on the specific resource.
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# Native JSON request to grant user admin permissions to a resource
curl-d' { "resourceId": "<resource-id>", "userId": "<user-id>", "permission": "PERMISSION_LEVEL_ADMIN", }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPOSThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/authorizations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
# Native JSON request to add user with read only permissions to a resource
curl-d' { "resourceId": "<resource-id>", "userId": "<user-id>", "permission": "PERMISSION_LEVEL_READ", }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPOSThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/authorizations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to grant user admin permissions to a resourceletrequest=CreateAuthorizationRequest{resource_id:"<resource-id>".to_string(),user_id:"<user-id>".to_string(),permission_level:PermissionLevel::Adminasi32,};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=auth_client.create_authorization(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to add user with read only permissions to a resourceletrequest=CreateAuthorizationRequest{resource_id:"<resource-id>".to_string(),user_id:"<user-id>".to_string(),permission_level:PermissionLevel::Readasi32,};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=auth_client.create_authorization(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to grant user admin permissions to a resourcerequest=CreateAuthorizationRequest(resource_id="<resource-id>",user_id="<user-id>",permission=PermissionLevel.Value("PERMISSION_LEVEL_ADMIN")# Needs int, therefore .Value())# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.auth_client.CreateAuthorization(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to grant user read only permissions to a resourcerequest=CreateAuthorizationRequest(resource_id="<resource-id>",user_id="<user-id>",permission=PermissionLevel.Value("PERMISSION_LEVEL_READ")# Needs int, therefore .Value())# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.auth_client.CreateAuthorization(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Update permissions
The assigned permissions can also be modified afterwards.
Required permissions
This request requires at least ADMIN permissions on the specific resource.
# Native JSON request to set a users permission to read only for the specific resource
curl-d' { "userId": "<user-id>", "permission": "PERMISSION_LEVEL_READ", }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XPATCHhttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/authorizations/{resource-id}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to set a users permission to read only for the specific resourceletrequest=UpdateAuthorizationRequest{resource_id:"<resource-id>".to_string(),user_id:"<user-id>".to_string(),permission_level:PermissionLevel::Readasi32,};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=auth_client.update_authorization(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to set a users permission to read only for the specific resourcerequest=UpdateAuthorizationRequest(resource_id="<resource-id>",user_id="<user-id>",permission=PermissionLevel.Value("PERMISSION_LEVEL_READ")# Needs int, therefore .Value())# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.auth_client.UpdateAuthorization(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
Remove permissions
Users can, of course, also be completely removed from resources again, depriving them of any access with personalized tokens.
However, access with Project/Collection/Dataset/Object scoped tokens is not restricted with the removal of users personal permissions!
Required permissions
This request requires at least ADMIN permissions on the specific resource.
# Native JSON request to remove a users permission for a specific resource
curl-d' { "userId": "<user-id>", }'\-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XDELETEhttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/authorizations/{resource-id}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to remove a users permission for a specific resourceletrequest=DeleteAuthorizationRequest{resource_id:"<resource-id>".to_string(),user_id:"<user-id>".to_string(),};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=auth_client.delete_authorization(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to remove a users permission for a specific resourcerequest=DeleteAuthorizationRequest(resource_id="<project-id>",user_id="<user-id>")# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.auth_client.UpdateAuthorization(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')
List permissions
All permissions which are assigned for a specific resource can also be listed.
This request additionally offers the option to recursively fetch the permissions of all underlying resources.
Required permissions
This request requires at least ADMIN permissions on the specific resource.
# Native JSON request to list all assigned permissions for a specific resource
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGEThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/authorizations?resourceId=resource-id
# Native JSON request to recursively list all assigned permissions for a specific resource
curl-H'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>'\-H'Content-Type: application/json'\-XGEThttps://<URL-to-Aruna-instance-API-endpoint>/v2/authorizations?resourceId=resource-id&recursive=true
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314
// Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to list all assigned permissions for a specific resourceletrequest=GetAuthorizationsRequest{resource_id:"<resource-id>".to_string(),recursive:false,// Can be set to 'true' to also fetch permissions of underlying resources};// Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointletresponse=auth_client.get_authorizations(request).await.unwrap().into_inner();// Do something with the responseprintln!("{:#?}",response);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011
# Create tonic/ArunaAPI request to list all assigned permissions for a specific resourcerequest=DeleteAuthorizationRequest(resource_id="<project-id>",recursive=False# Can be set to 'true' to also fetch permissions of underlying resources)# Send the request to the Aruna instance gRPC endpointresponse=client.auth_client.GetAuthorizations(request=request)# Do something with the responseprint(f'{response}')